Good pre and post cosmetic tattooing skin care is important to ensure optimal results from your procedure. We explain how to care for your skin, plus what you can expect to see when healing.
For optimal healing, it’s essential that you follow the recommended cosmetic tattooing skin care instructions. Today we’ll share the general cosmetic tattooing skin care guidelines, but as our client, you will receive detailed instructions during your consultation and treatment appointments.
Pre Cosmetic Tattooing Skin Care Guidelines
Before undertaking any cosmetic tattooing procedure, you are required to attend a consultation first. Here we will not only identify a treatment plan and assess your skin suitability, but we will also explain how to care for your skin in the lead up to your procedure. This will include information such as:
* Avoid sun exposure and tanning the week prior
* Do not drink caffeine 12 hours, and alcohol 48 hours beforehand
* No waxing or tinting 72 hours before
* Certain medication is stopped days or weeks before the procedure (talk with your doctor about this)
* Certain serums and skin products to be stopped before the procedure – we will discuss which ones in person with you
* Contact lenses cannot be worn during and for a few days afterwards
* No makeup to be worn during the procedure
* Maintain a good skincare cleansing routine beforehand – we can help you with this
Swelling and bruising can occur after the procedure, so it’s best to not have any special events such as a wedding planned within the upcoming month.
Post Cosmetic Tattooing Skin Care Guidelines
After your permanent cosmetic procedure, caring for your skin is even more important. What you do now can affect the results you will see in the upcoming weeks. You will receive detailed information at your appointment, but in general over the next few days and weeks you must:
* Avoid sleeping on your face
* Refrain from touching, scratching or picking at your skin
* Avoid sun exposure and tanning
* Avoid smoking
* Avoid strenuous workouts
* No makeup or skincare products to be used for two weeks
* Keep the treated area dry for at least 10 days
* No other cosmetic procedures for at least 10 days
The amount of repairing your skin must do will depend upon the procedure you have had done. You can expect to see swelling, redness, some scabbing and oozing over the area. There may also be some blood and pain. We will suggest some remedies such as cool packs and pain medications specific to your treatment during your appointment. For more information on cosmetic tattooing skin repair, feel free to contact Kelly directly via phone or email today.