How much fundamental training do you think is required to be able to tattoo someone’s face?

The answer is actually none, no training is required as New Zealand has no regulations so anyone and this is happening are just tattooing and cutting/microblading people faces with little to no training.

My personal opinion is that these 2 day classes, some very large classes where they did not even get to touch a single model, plus some online training is just not enough (not including advanced training)

My fundamental 11 days with 21 procedures in a 1 on 1 training, plus pre study & 6 months practice then case studies, all on top of my diploma in beauty therapy etc plus extra training from other cosmetic tattooists is just cutting it.

There is so much about this industry to learn, and its on people’s faces, so unless your under an apprenticeship with some very knowledgeable and skilled technician, in my opinion you need more training then that.

Unfortunately even then you can not guarantee your training and I hear from many who were very unhappy and felt completely non confident when they left there training to go into the world and practice on people’s faces.

This is not good! And training can costs a lot of money, I know I’ve spent a lot, and then I had to spend some more and I will continue to spend more on training because it is worth it to me, because it is people’s faces and your faces are worth it.

I see a lot of damage, some I wish I could help, but unfortunately I can’t always help as I may make it worse. And sometimes its a long road to recovery.

So just choose wisely, it is your face and it is worth it.

PS. the council’s in some areas are trying, and its something, at lest its a start, so look out for a health & safety certificate from them displayed in the premises or ask them if the have an updated one, if they do they will be happy to show you with pride

if you have any questions or need some advise, feel free to PM me.

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