What Is Cosmetic Tattooing

Cosmetic Tattooing, also known as permanent makeup, micropigmentation or permanent makeup, is quickly growing in popularity throughout New Zealand. Having moved from being a beauty treatment only for celebrities, it’s quickly becoming standard for anyone seeking an enhanced appearance.

Here at Cosmetic Inc, permanent cosmetics are one of the main services we provide our clients. Being highly knowledgeable about their application, care and uses, today we’re here to explain what permanent makeup is.

Your Guide to Understanding About Cosmetic Tattooing

Makeup does wonders for our appearance, but it has a downside in that you need to reapply it each day. Permanent makeup solves that problem, providing a longer lasting solution of between one to three years. This is perfect for those of us who would like to wear less makeup, or don’t often have the time to apply it before rushing out the door.

Permanent cosmetics are not new. In 1902, UK tattoo artist Sutherland MacDonald was documented as adding an all-year-round delicate pink complexion “on the cheeks of his clients. Then in 1930, the fashionability of having the procedure grew considerably, with beauty salons offering a complexion treatment by injecting vegetable dyes under the top layer of skin. The 1980’s saw considerable growth and has brought us to what we now have today.

Nowadays though, the process has changed considerably, being more refined and considerably safer. It involves the application of a pigment into the second layer of skin (or dermis) to the area you wish to enhance; usually brows, eyeliner or lips. It can also be used to reduce the appearance of scars, and to re-colour the areolas after breast surgery. 

The tools used for cosmetic tattooing range from traditional tattoo coil machines, a pen or rotary machine or microblading by hand, which is not something we offer. Instead we specialise in machine hairstrokes which we believe offer the best results for our clients.

Why Choose Cosmetic Tattooing?

Cosmetic tattooing is not for everyone, your skin type, allergies, medication and simply the way your body heals affecting your results and even suitability for the procedure. However, we can help to identify if you are a suitable candidate – so please get in touch!

We find that many women choose permanent makeup because they:

  • Have trouble applying makeup due to a disability, age, eyesight or lack of knowledge
  • Have allergies to regular makeup
  • Want to avoid having to put on makeup daily
  • Would like to camouflage scars
  • Want to look younger, more refined
  • Have trouble applying makeup due to a disability, age, eyesight or lack of knowledge
  • Want to avoid having to put on makeup daily (time saver) 
  • Need to fill in thinning eyebrows (or ones which were over-teased)
  • Lips have little to no colour
  • Would like to camouflage scars
  • Have allergies to regular makeup

To find out more about this beauty treatment, please read our FAQ page about cosmetic tattooing, or contact us today to arrange a consultation.

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