Which pigment is right for me ⁣

Choosing the right pigment for you because they both have their pro’s & con’s ⁣

This is a long topic but basically there are two different types of pigments⁣

Number 1: is an Iron oxide pigment which starts off cooler then has a reddish / orange warm tone when it fades, this pigment fades much faster so in a year or so they may have faded near completely that when you go for your yearly touch up it’s more of a clean slate and you have option to change the shape, the colour or the style.⁣
(I still do not consider these pigment or any other pigments semi permanent because although they fade faster your skin will never be 100% back to it’s original state) ⁣

Number 2: is a carbon base pigment which starts off warmer then cools down and has a blueish / grey cool tone which does not fade as fast and for some can potentially last 1-5 years or more, you may have brows for years but depending on many things ie your skin tone, the colour used and the technique they may become blueish or greyish in colour and you will need touch up’s to correct the colour, over time you may even need a couple of removal sessions depending on how saturated they are as there is only so much ink your skin can take in, and as they have not faded much you are limited in what shape, what colour or what style you can have. ⁣

This may not be the case for everyone, there are so many factors: remember how they will look over time depends a lot on someone’s skin, their skin tone, the colour used, the depth, the saturation, lifestyle, sun exposure, age, hormones, medications, the technician etc ⁣

So you have options ⁣

Choose number 1 = fades much faster / more options later on⁣

or ⁣

Choose number 2 = you would prefer them to last much longer but are aware of all of the above ⁣

For more information or to have a chat regarding which pigment is best for you, book your free consultation now!

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