Here in Dunedin, I perform all our cosmetic tattooing procedures using machine hairstrokes, not microblading. That’s because I believe that hairstrokes by machine provide a far better result for my clients. You can learn more about our decision, and the differences between microblading and machine hairstrokes in our article, Why I Do Hairstrokes By Machine, Not Microblading.
Today though, I’m going to focus solely on my speciality, explaining what it is and what you can expect during your procedure.
What Are Machine Hair Strokes?
Like the name suggests, machine hairstrokes are done using a cosmetic tattooing machine. Rather than slicing with a thin pen-like tool by hand, the machine injects a pigment into the skin by creating thousands of tiny dots. The hairstroke technique is the process of placing tiny individual hair-like strokes of colour pigment beneath the surface of the skin.
Also known as Nano brows, machine hairstrokes have fewer undesirable side effects than microblading, such as bruising, bleeding, swelling and scaring. This is because machine hairstrokes do not involve any slicing, but simply the injecting of dots of pigment deeper into the skin than a microblade slice can do. Because of this, the results usually last longer and our technique is also more suitable for a wider range of skin types.
What is Involved with a Machine Hair Strokes Procedure?
After an assessment of your skin and a discussion with you, I will make my recommendations on how we will move forward with your cosmetic tattooing. An analysis will be done on your skin, ensuring that it is suitable for the procedure, plus identifying the perfect shade to match the area being treated. An in-depth measuring and outlining of the area being treated will occur and an outline of the treatment area will be drawn on your skin with a washable pen. No work will be started until you are completely happy with the shape which will be tattooed in! Before I begin (and during), a topical anaesthetic cream will be applied to the area. This is to numb the area, reducing the amount of discomfort which may occur. The machine hairstrokes are applied using a conventional needle or nano needle which has been dipped into the pigment. The vibrations the machine makes help the pigment move down into the skin in a highly controlled manner. It takes great skills, patience and a steady hand to perform this advanced technique
You will return in eight weeks time for an assessment on the area treated, with any alterations made if required. Your results should last for around 18 to 24 months, but this does vary between people.
If you’re interested in learning more about achieving greater hair definition, let’s chat! Book your appointment or get in touch with me today!