Why I Do Hairstrokes By Machine, Not Microblading

Microblading is very popular at the moment, but it’s not the ONLY way to create Hairstrokes, Digital tattoo machines are also used to create super fine Hairstrokes that can actually last longer than Microblading!

Let me explain the differences between microblading and hairstrokes by machine and why I’ve personally chosen this technique for all of my cosmetic tattooing hairstroke procedures.

In our quest to create the perfect brows, I specialise in hairstrokes by machine and not microblading. Both are techniques used in permanent makeup, each with their own pros and cons. Today I’m going to explain why I’ve chosen to only offer my cosmetic tattooing clients, hairstrokes by machine instead of microblading. With the growing trend moving away from microblading, I’ll start with explaining the differences between each technique, followed by the reasons why I’ve chosen hairstrokes by machine over microblading.

What is Microblading?

Microblading is a technique used by therapists to add a pigment into the dermal layer of our skin. Using a pencil like tool, This results in a hairstroke like natural eyebrow look, perfect for filling in gaps between hairs or over areas where there are no more hairs. It is suitable for people with normal/dry skin types only, as skin which is too oily will not hold the pigment well or the strokes will become blurred.

One key difference of microblading is that the pencil like tool has a tip made up of several tiny needles made into a tiny blade. a slice in the skin is made with this sharp blade tip. Then the pigment is placed on top of the little cut, The major issue with this is the long-term complications it may cause to the delicate facial skin which is sliced and cut multiple times, Will permanent scars be visible? It’s not something I want to risk anymore – which is why I choose hairstrokes by machine as my cosmetic tattooing technique.

What are Hairstrokes By Machine?

From the name itself, you’ll see that hairstrokes by machine uses a machine to provide hairstrokes for our clients. Using a cosmetic tattooing machine, a tiny needle injects pigment into the skin, these tiny dots leave the epidermis intact, which minimises the amount of trauma – swelling, bruising and bleeding a client may face. (of course, it depends on the therapist and their skills and training) But generally, there is a decreased risk of scarring and the potential for the pigment to have better colour retention and last for a longer period of time, as well as being more suitable for a wider range of skin types, plus the benifit of being less painful.

At Cosmetic Inc, I only use the hairstroke by machines technique for cosmetic tattooing treatments. I strongly believe it produces the best result for my clients and are more than happy to chat with you about this decision. Get in touch with me today, or book your appointment online now.

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